Monday, 13 August 2012

American Birds.

I've been back from the States a couple of months now, so this is a well over due post!!

I absolutely LOVE birds so I could wait to get bird hunting while over in New Jersey, New York and Washington DC!

I don't know all the names of these birds so if you do or know anyone that does, please let me know as I'm very curious to find out more about them!! :)

Blue Jay.
Blue Jay.

Rusty Blackbird.
Rusty Blackbird.
House Sparrows.

Northern Mockingbird.

Northern Mockingbird.

Red-Winged Blackbird.

Laughing Gull.

Turkey Vulture.

Turkey Vulture.

American Robin.

Gray Catbird.

Northern Mockingbird.

House Sparrow.

House Sparrow.
Purple Martins.
Purple Martin.
Great Egret.
Great Egret.

A Family of Ducks and Ducklings in the War Memorials in Washington DC.
:) XX

1 comment:

  1. Some look strangely familiar, like tree sparrows, little egrets and starlings, but who knows, they might be exotic cousins?! Nice to see some of your pics though. I do recognise and American robin and that stunning red winged black bird, but don't know enough about North American birds I'm afraid...
    Would also love to know, although I won't be visiting any time soon on RSPB wages!
    See you soon.
    Jo (Old Moor) :)
